The Pineridge Target Sports Club was started in 1938 by a group of GM union workers under the name Union Rod and Gun Club. They loved hunting and fishing, and were ardent conservationists. They held annual fishing derbies, the "Annual Weed Drag", on Lake Scugog. They practiced trap and skeet shooting at ranged properties around Oshawa.

In the 1950s, they bought a farm in the Newcastle area. The club members wanted not only a place to shoot, but a chance to promote conservation. During those first years, the members planted some 4,000 trees annually and turned the land into the current woodlot. In 1961, they were able to buy the adjacent farm north of their property, creating the 129 acre facility we have now.

Today the club offers year-round indoor and outdoor shooting facilities. The club has a 25-metre indoor range for handguns and small bore target rifles, as well as air rifles and air pistols. The blue roofed building contains the 25m indoor range. The club started with a 100m outdoor range, but in 2012 added a 50m outdoor range.

Since this aerial photo was taken, we have made substantial improvements to the club facilities. We added a new one-room building for meetings and training. We moved the trap ranges, and added shooting positions. Improvements to the 100m range, include a concrete pad and roof over the firing line.  And last year we have added a pad and cover to the 50m range as well.

Training and safety are important to us. The club provides training in proper handling and safe use of firearms. We also offer training for range officer certification.

The club is a member of the Canadian Shooting Sports Association and operates under regulations set down by the Chief Provincial Firearms Office.