Members must take a number of training courses and meet other requirements to use our ranges. They must have/complete:
- the RCMP Firearms Safety Course to acquire a Possession and Acquisition License in order to own and use a non-restricted firearm (rifles and shotguns primarily);
- the RCMP Restricted Firearms Safety Course to obtain a Restricted PAL to own a handgun or other restricted firearm;
- the Club’s own intensive restricted firearms course to be able to shoot handguns and restricted firearms (a one-day classroom course and qualifying test and eight practical handgun training sessions);
- a six-month probationary period after passing the course before full access is granted to the indoor range.
At the Club:
- Members and guests must sign in upon entering the Club and are strictly prohibited from consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Hearing and eye protection is mandatory.
- Children, youths and adults without a PAL are allowed to shoot at the club only under the direct supervision of a club certified range officer.
Other Points to Note:
We provide a safe environment for responsible firearms training and practice. Pineridge Target Sports Club is licensed under the Canada Firearms Act under the supervision of the Chief Firearms Office of Ontario. The CFO inspects our premises and ranges on a regular basis; and our operating license is renewed only if all conditions meet with its approval.
Groups using our ranges are supervised by a Range Safety Officer who ensures that safe firearm handling is followed at all times. Safety is the guiding principle at the Club. We have strict rules for use of our ranges and anyone who does not comply is denied shooting privileges.
Firearms and ammunition are not stored on the property.